

10th August 2012


“Before Sam was born the enemy tried to take Sam out. He was born 6 weeks early and there were complications.
 From 18 months old he never stopped screaming. By 3 he was diagnosed with Autism, and significant global delay.
 His behavior was out of control he had several obsessions and constant tantrums. It was impossible for him to
 follow directions or to toilet train him. The simplest of tasks, like making him a sandwich, had to be done just right or he would scream. Also he didn’t say his first word until
 3 and a half. We have been through several therapists, speech, occupational therapy and early intervention. These did help to a degree but the autism was still evident.”


“Since February when you and your wife [Steve and Tania Clarke] prayed for him we have seen much progression with self help skills, fine motor and gross motor. 
He never used to talk to the other kids at preschool – now, we can’t shut him up. He has now made friends. Eye contact and language has increased dramatically from 3 words in a
sentence to 8 or 9 words. We can now have conversations with him, he is more loving than ever.
 All therapies have stopped including early intervention. He was not accepted. The teachers are amazed. One teacher burst into tears when I told her he had been 
healed in Jesus name.
 Whenever we declare to people of Sam’s healing he progresses more and more. We are so blessed that God healed our little boy of Autism, and going through 
everything we have been through, it was all worth it to bring God the glory and get to know Him better. We are so grateful.
 Thank you for praying for Him and releasing God’s healing power.” Adam, Gina, Sam and Grace